Monday, May 26, 2008

Fiona: Quiet Time

One day Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and John baptized him in the Jordan River. As jesus came up out of the water, he saw the heavens spliting apart and he Holy Spirit descending on his like a dove. And a voice from heaven said, "You are my dearly loved Son, and you bring me great joy." - Mark 1:9-11(NLT)
Ever wondered why Jesus had to get baptized? I mean, he was sinless right?

In the life application bible, it states that Jesus got baptized so that he could 1.Begin his mission to save people; 2.Show support for John's ministry; 3.identify with our humanness and sin; give us an example to follow.

This is what Jesus is: an example to us. This really encourages me to look at Jesus as someone as I have to follow, as I read about Him.

Immediately after Jesus was baptized, he was sent into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan for 40 days!! (oh no)

"At once the Spirit sent him out into desert, and he was in the desert forty days, being tempted by Satan." - Mark 1:12
Imagine getting baptized on a Sunday service and then being sent to a place full of sin to be tempted? And the bible says that Jesus WAS TEMPTED. Well, how "nice" huh. I am sure, it wasn't easy for Jesus at all, as he was a man like all of us.

I feel really comforted, knowing that Jesus can relate to me, and my life. My sin's are not what Jesus has not seen before and temptation that strike me are not those that has never tempted Jesus before. And I also learnt that "to be tempted is not a sin." Only, when I give in to temptation and tempt others, do I sin.

I am sure we all face temptations each day: to be lazy, to be greedy, splurge on wants not needs, to not be responsible for out mistakes etc...

But today, I learn that Jesus overcame his temptations as he stuck to God's words.

I really want to let God's words overwhelm me so that I am strong enough to overcome the temptations put before me.

Jesus is our example!!!! He knows!!!

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