Thursday, June 19, 2008

Esther: QuietTime

heyheyhey everybody.. =D
on tuesday night, watch the passion with all the girls in this blog..
it was a good show overall,
and it really made me to keep on reflecting on myself,
like my sins that actually bought so much suffering and pain to jesus..
and u would like feel so heavy and sad..
like.. ask youself, why did he have to suffer so much..
he was so forgiving..
jesus forgave all of us..
and even to those evil priest and people that assused him..
he forgave them all..

so, when i go on in my daily life,
i kept reminding myself of the suffering jesus had to go thru,
so i caution myself not to sin..
but ehhh..
i forgotten to bring back the disc.. opps. hahas..

and now reading the book of acts..
cos peiling recommended me to read..
read until acts 5..
(sorry i just writing my feelings and summary..)

and i am like so convicted by what the apostles actually done
after jesus was resurrected..
jesus asked them to preach to the world the word of God.

the apostles went ahead with the power of the holyspirit
and boldly taugh everyone..
and they healed many..
and many thousands of believers joined.

and the evil forces of people were still there..
like the chiefpriest and the sanhedrin..
the ones who falsely assused jesus to his death..
now they were jealous of the apostle again,
by the big crowds they have..

they got arrested but God sent angels to free them
and they never stop preaching the word and proclaiming the great news that jesus is christ..

i really admire their spirit
and they will come together to pray when they faced difficulties..

and we should be encouraged by their faith and everything..
they are great examples that we should follow..
and may i follow too..

okays, that's all..

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