Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jacinda: Reflections on "Grace for the Human Race"

Hello sisters!

Well, I just thought after Uncle WeeKeong did such an inspiring lesson about the grace of God, I should share what has touched my heart! (:

I guess the one thing that really cut me is the fact that God knows everything about me (who I am, what I have done against Him, and even what I will do against Him!), but yet He has chosen me to be in His kingdom today. He remembers and He knows, but He does not hold these things against me. Instead, He gave me grace to be who I am, where I am now.

I remember how I was in the past, really insecure within myself, but really proud on the outside, because I did not want others to see who I really am. Even till today, this side of me still shows itself, once in a while. I remember how ugly I was as a person - selfish, always delighting in others' sufferings, etc. Coming to think of it, no wonder my friends in school could not stand me!

And I often think to myself how life would have turned out for me, if I were not a Christian today, if I continued with the life I was living, if I were still the same person I was. (You can come and ask me about it)

But I am not. Because God has forgiven me out of His grace and has given me new life! I have since been promised a place in Heaven if I die faithful to God. For all these, I can be grateful to Him! (:

I pray we can all remember the grace that God has shown us in our lives (there are surely many things "that [are] by the grace of God..."), so that we do not get blinded by Satan's evil lies and schemes!

Many hugs,

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