Friday, May 30, 2008

Jacinda: God's Chosen Servant

15Aware of this, Jesus withdrew from that place. Many followed him, and he healed all their sick, 16warning them not to tell who he was. 17This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah:

18"Here is my servant whom I have chosen,
the one I love, in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,
and he will proclaim justice to the nations.
19He will not quarrel or cry out;
no one will hear his voice in the streets.
20A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out,
till he leads justice to victory.
21In his name the nations will put their hope."

- Matthew 12:15-21
This passage is what happened right after the Pharisees 'plotted how they might kill [Jesus]' (in verse 14).

God's chosen servant has Self-control and a Calm Spirit

It says here that 'Jesus withdrew from that place'. This is strange! Jesus is running away!? But no, I definitely do not think that Jesus was afraid or too overwhelmed by the Pharisees' persecutions and accusations; that is something Jacinda would do, not Christ.

Throughout the book of Matthew, there are actually many accounts of Jesus "walking away". If I do think about it, it is actually more difficult to walk away than to pick to a fight. Instead of saying something nasty back, Jesus walked away. Instead of walking up to give the person a slap, Jesus walked away. Instead of summoning all the angels to defend himself, Jesus walked away.

Jesus never retaliated, but chose to retreat from unpleasant situations. Not because he was a pushover or that he was cowardly, but because he had great self-control and a calm spirit. If I were Jesus and had my quick temper and tongue, I have a good many things in mind that I would have spat in the Pharisees' faces.

But I have to learn to be like Jesus, to 'not quarrel or cry out', but retreat and be composed about my situations.

God's chosen servant is Quiet and has a Gentle Spirit

Jesus will not break a bruised reed, nor snuff out a smoldering wick (verse 20). There is an imagery of already dying objects being taken care of, instead of abandoning them or shoving them aside.

He was not boisterous or showy, ready for the world to receive him and give him glory for being the Son if God. But just as he preached, he showed all these through his actions. Many times, I look at people who are loud and the center of attention, and think that they are leaders. Yet Jesus has proven to the world that he was a beacon for God by being quiet and gentle.

As long as I constantly do what is right for God, people will be able to see that I am different and I will stand out as being like Jesus - a chosen servant. Isn't it easier to go to someone who is calm and gentle, rather than one who is loud and bossy? Who can confide in someone whose moods and temperament sway so easily?

Being like Jesus shows maturity and stability. That is who I want to be!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Fiona: Quiet Time

One day Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and John baptized him in the Jordan River. As jesus came up out of the water, he saw the heavens spliting apart and he Holy Spirit descending on his like a dove. And a voice from heaven said, "You are my dearly loved Son, and you bring me great joy." - Mark 1:9-11(NLT)
Ever wondered why Jesus had to get baptized? I mean, he was sinless right?

In the life application bible, it states that Jesus got baptized so that he could 1.Begin his mission to save people; 2.Show support for John's ministry; 3.identify with our humanness and sin; give us an example to follow.

This is what Jesus is: an example to us. This really encourages me to look at Jesus as someone as I have to follow, as I read about Him.

Immediately after Jesus was baptized, he was sent into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan for 40 days!! (oh no)

"At once the Spirit sent him out into desert, and he was in the desert forty days, being tempted by Satan." - Mark 1:12
Imagine getting baptized on a Sunday service and then being sent to a place full of sin to be tempted? And the bible says that Jesus WAS TEMPTED. Well, how "nice" huh. I am sure, it wasn't easy for Jesus at all, as he was a man like all of us.

I feel really comforted, knowing that Jesus can relate to me, and my life. My sin's are not what Jesus has not seen before and temptation that strike me are not those that has never tempted Jesus before. And I also learnt that "to be tempted is not a sin." Only, when I give in to temptation and tempt others, do I sin.

I am sure we all face temptations each day: to be lazy, to be greedy, splurge on wants not needs, to not be responsible for out mistakes etc...

But today, I learn that Jesus overcame his temptations as he stuck to God's words.

I really want to let God's words overwhelm me so that I am strong enough to overcome the temptations put before me.

Jesus is our example!!!! He knows!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Fiona: Introduction to Mark

MARK:the book stresses facts and actions rather than themes or topics. It is the most detailed among the four gospels and Mark was written to show the deity of Christ.

So, let's look at the book of Mark, discovering Christ's deity.
(Deity: supreme being.)

Mark 1:1-8
In the beginning of the book of Mark, John the Baptist was introduced and was used to introduce the coming of Jesus.

"And this was his message:"After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.""
WOW, so this is Jesus.

So many times, I fail to see how Jesus is one who is supreme, who is on HIGH. But John has complete reverence toward the coming of Jesus and considered himself unworthy of even untying Jesus' sandals!

To me, this introduction of Jesus is just so amazing.

If someone were to tell me, someone like this was coming, I'd really want to know how he really looked like! And true enough, Jesus is the perfect man. (which I am sure we can explore when we read on more in Mark)

I really learn, to see how precious Jesus is, that he is not just a Saviour, but my precious Saviour.

This is really how special and supreme Jesus is.
Let's lead our life, taking every step, conscious of his Supremacy.

Love you all,

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jacinda: Reflections on "Grace for the Human Race"

Hello sisters!

Well, I just thought after Uncle WeeKeong did such an inspiring lesson about the grace of God, I should share what has touched my heart! (:

I guess the one thing that really cut me is the fact that God knows everything about me (who I am, what I have done against Him, and even what I will do against Him!), but yet He has chosen me to be in His kingdom today. He remembers and He knows, but He does not hold these things against me. Instead, He gave me grace to be who I am, where I am now.

I remember how I was in the past, really insecure within myself, but really proud on the outside, because I did not want others to see who I really am. Even till today, this side of me still shows itself, once in a while. I remember how ugly I was as a person - selfish, always delighting in others' sufferings, etc. Coming to think of it, no wonder my friends in school could not stand me!

And I often think to myself how life would have turned out for me, if I were not a Christian today, if I continued with the life I was living, if I were still the same person I was. (You can come and ask me about it)

But I am not. Because God has forgiven me out of His grace and has given me new life! I have since been promised a place in Heaven if I die faithful to God. For all these, I can be grateful to Him! (:

I pray we can all remember the grace that God has shown us in our lives (there are surely many things "that [are] by the grace of God..."), so that we do not get blinded by Satan's evil lies and schemes!

Many hugs,

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fiona: Thanks Esther

Esther, it is really sweet of you to post your Quiet Time. =)
One long page some more!!

Anyways, I would like to comment on Mark 10:35.

It is true that only those who have decided to follow God's word and be faithful are those that will be glorified when they go to heaven.

But still, I think Jesus is trying to tell the disciples that being a disciple is not just about the honour you receive, but instead about how much you are willing to sacrifice.

And according to Life application bible, it is said that the disciples actually mistook the "kingdom of God" to be and "earthly kingdom", so James and John wanted to secure a safe place in this kingdom so as to be free from suffering and oppression.

However, the true kingdom lies in the hearts and lives of every follower- so our lives that represent God is a representation of his true Kingdom which leads us to eternity.

Once again, thanks Esther.


Esther: Quiet Time

yo! esther here..
gonna post now as later i have tuition and i would have no time liaos,
same as for the next few days, i have cca..
and thanks fiona for setting this blog up!
so fast..hehes.

and i also passionate about food okays...
hahas. see me always like to eateateat.. =D
this is bad actually.... xD

so... i read from mark 10:32-52

i dont really understand from mark 10:35,
where james and john requested to sit on jesus' left and right..
and i jesus replied that it is not for him to decide,
yet it belongs to those whom they have been prepared.

i think he means those who are prepared as in those who are willing to let go anything to follow him, confess their sins, listen and obey his words..
in short, it means that to go to heaven, it is your choice and decision whether to act out the necessary.. (not very sure... )

and jesus also says that (10:43-45) to be the first, we must be servants first, as he himself came down to serve others and not others to serve him..

and futher on in mark 10:46-52,
jesus heals a blind man due to his faith and conviction that truely jesus is the one that can help him to regain sight.
and this makes me inspired as sometimes i may doubt jesus' words in many ways..
and i really admire this man's conviction..

so in conclusion i learnt:
*it is our choice whether to take action so as to go to heaven
*God wants us to BELIEVE

yeahs! this blog is so cool! okays. gotta go le..
esther :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Fiona: The New Platform

Now we can use this to help spur one another to know God better!
